Basic Data and Statistics


Age on Admission average 22.2 range 13 -  56

Family Composition Parents - single parent 76 % : with partner 24 %  

Children on referral 1.08 born during stay 16 % at discharge 1.25


Average Length of Stay  -

·     Residential Treatment       5.4 months  

·     Outreach care          3 months

 ·   Semi-independence unit (The Bridge) Opened May 1998

 84% had been through another unit previously.


Outcome -

positive for self                       60%

negative for self                      23%

positive for child                      51%

negative for child                     33%

Rehabilitated together              43%

Rehabilitated separately            26%

Re-admissions                         10%

Late positives                          10%

Late negatives                          6%


Child Bearing -

Age at first delivery -     18 years

Average number of children           2.3

Average number of children removed (accommodated) 1.7


Past History (Female referrals)

 Abuse -  Physically abused - 79%

              Sexually abused   -  64%

               Incest 30%  

  Sibling incest 8%    Paternal 21%      Maternal 1%

Drug abuse                35%

Alcohol abuse            28%

Self harm                  35%

Prostitution              14%

Crime and violence -

Woman aggressive and violent -           61%

History of criminal activities                41%


Reason for Admission

 Pregnant                                 21%

Parenting difficulties                97%

Mental Health problem             40%

Learning disability                    9%


Presenting problems -

Homelessness                                  12%

Involved in child protection              89%

Child removed (before admission)   65%

New child just before admission.      47%

Mother in care themselves                 70%

Average number of violent partners - 1.67  


  Case Profiles - Male Residents


24% of residents were admitted with their male partners - data on 26 males has been analysed.

Average age of females admitted with male partners 27 years (range 16 to 56 years) - (average age all resident females 22 years -  range 13 to 56 years). Average age of males admitted as part of family assessment - 29 years (range 17 to 57 years)


Average length of stay for families with male member -

 5.2 months  (5.4 for all residents)


Outreach follow up

available to 48% -

average length 2 months (3 for all residents)


Child protection -

85% of cases involved the child being abused

In 55% both parents contributed to the abuse

In 64% the male was involved and in 9% male only was responsible

In 91% female was involved and in 36% female alone responsible

63% of males made partial admission of responsibility

9% of males made ‘full’ admission of responsibility.


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