News of the International
Regional Chapter (IRC) of SAM (Society for Adolescent Medicine)
Co Chairs - Diana Birch
Gustavo Girard Treasurer Aric Schichor
Buenos Aires
Workshops / Institutes
- Our 1999 Chapter workshop “When
is a family dysfunctional? - A cross cultural view.” Is reported below
SAM 2000 - ‘Youth
in a Violent Age – The Challenge of the new millennium?’ will be printed in
the next issue of the Journal.
The following proposal for an Institute has been submitted to SAM for the
2001 meeting in San Diego. Please send in contributions and suggestions -
Marianne Felice, Dick Mackenzie and Dick Brown will be joining us.
San Diego March 2001
Proposal for SAM meeting March 2001
‘Institute’ - International Regional Chapter (IRC) SAM
‘Strengths of Youth – Protective Factors?’
In this institute we will consider a variety of different challenges
which Young People face in growing up and entering adulthood. Rather
than looking at the problems and difficulties from the common
perspective of the fate of those who have ‘fallen by the wayside’ we
will consider the positive attributes of those who weather the storms of
childhood and adolescence and emerge as fulfilled and productive adults.
Why do teens NOT become young mothers? Why do abused children NOT follow
the paths of the victim or allow themselves to be
carried along the ‘cycle of abuse’ to harming their own kids? What factors help
a young person from a deprived or abusive background to avoid the fate
which statistics and professional experience would tend to commit them
And lastly, but most importantly -
How can we enhance and encourage
these factors?. How can we bring them to the fore in our less fortunate
kids? How can we utilise these strengths in helping youth as a whole to
survive the world which we have created for them?
This Institute will have an International flavour with
presentations from a number of countries and areas of the world, but
will in the main be dealing with universal factors applicable to Youth
throughout the world – albeit influenced by local cultures and values.
The International Regional Chapter (IRC) of SAM -
Much discussion has taken place regarding the position of the IRC and the
International role and input into SAM of International members. The present
status of the IRC is set out below followed by suggestions which arose from
a brainstorming session / international forum which took place in Washington
SAM in March 2000. Comments and suggestions are invited
A brief outline of the present position. - The
International Regional Chapter is a chapter of
SAM which has been in existence since 1986. Currently 10.6% of SAM members
are from outside the USA and
all are included in the chapter. US based SAM members also belong to the IRC
because of their personal interests or backgrounds.
As with other chapters, not all IRC members belong to SAM but we
encourage SAM membership and are the chapter with the highest proportion of
full SAM members.
Goals are to -
SAM members from outside the United States or
those interested in International Issues in a regional chapter
an avenue for welcoming members from outside
the USA and allowing them to identify with colleagues
a forum for non US SAM members to exchange professional views and experience
and present scientific findings.
The IRC acts as a conduit whereby views and feelings of International members can be
communicated to the SAM board and vice versa.
We encourage and support members to join SAM, attend SAM meetings and
to publish in the journal of adolescent Health.
Activities -
Scientific /Academic We have held an annual
workshop or institute at each SAM meeting since our inception. This is
attended by US and non US based members and is not limited to IRC members.
- At each SAM meeting we have an open forum to
discuss projects , plans and proposals (usually a breakfast or lunch).
Also regular exchange during the year of emails, telephone calls fax
- The annual chapter dinner has become a
traditional part of SAM and is attended by 40 - 80 people who are able to
network and socialise. This is an important ‘ice breaker’ for new members.
- The IRC published information regarding the chapter in the Journal of
Adolescent Health on SAM’s 30th anniversary. The chapter
newsletter is incorporated in the Journal of Adolescent Health & Welfare
which also publishes transcripts of the workshop and other activities.
Brainstorming session results - The International Input into SAM
SAM has contacts with a number of outside bodies involved in Adolescent
Health - some of which operate on an international level. There are avenues
for individual SAM members and SAM as a whole to be involved with such
This brainstorming is not dealing with this issue - but needs first
to look at how International issues are dealt with
within SAM
Structure - SAM structure comprises SAM board led by the president. There
are various committees which report to the president and board and there is
currently one council (past presidents).
Members at large may also belong to regional chapters. Currently there is an
International Regional chapter and there is a view that this is not an
appropriate ‘demarcation’ for an international focus. Alternative structures
have been suggested - for example SIG(special interest group) - which are
also inappropriate. The formation of an International Council has been
suggested and may be a solution.
Reporting - The International Council would be chaired by an individual who
would report to the SAM board on a number of levels.
A yearly report of all international activities of interest to SAM
would be provided and perhaps interim reports and communications as
appropriate. The chairperson would act as an ‘ambassador’ liasing between
SAM and other bodies on an International level in order to provide SAM with
a balanced overall view of international issues. There would need to be
input into the programme committee and to the board. Eventually it may be
appropriate for the individual to be a member of the board - but otherwise
could be co-opted for example. For the moment however it is necessary to
report to the board.
The regular international regional chapter institute would continue but as
with all functions of the IRC would be assumed by the International
‘Council’. All international
SAM members and interested persons would be encouraged to involve themselves
with the International council but clearly members of council would be
required to be full SAM members.


Regional Chapters