The Voice of Youth
project aims to provide an online
platform for Young People in Britain to enable youth from differing
ethnic backgrounds and varying abilities to produce news and information about British
society and to engage with the media.
Throughout the project, youth will be supported by professional
journalists, to create and produce content addressing social issues
and they will be taught new skills that will enable them to showcase
their talents, using a variety of the latest media approaches
including attendance at social community events.
Britain has a young population with just under 13%
of the population being in the second decade and over 8 Million
of these Young people live in London.
Many of these young people are disenfranchised and ‘alienated’ from
mainline society. They may be deprived, poor or abused and, often as a
consequence, will be falling behind in education and be missed out in
employment stakes.
Poor communication and frustration can lead to violence – better
channelled to comment on air. Voice of Youth Leader Omar Richards
provides air time for marginalised young people enabling them to
become productive members of their communities.