As My Mother Taught Me
An abandoned child was left to live with an Aunt in whose house she was treated as a skivvy, maltreated and abused. Made pregnant at 14 by the next door neighbour, she ended up, fortunately for her, at the Women’s Centre where she received an education and was able to rebuild her life. She is now a valued member of the community. This story could be repeated a thousand fold in the case histories of the young people, male and female, who have passed through the Women’s Centre.
‘As My Mother Taught Me’ tells the history and struggles of the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation from inception to its status as a widespread successful organisation. Included are personal stories of the author and the many girls and families helped to establish worthwhile and successful happy lives from the abject poverty which was their lot. Press Release – As My Mother Taught Me Youth Support Publications is proud to announce the publication and launch of the book ‘As My Mother Taught Me’ by Pamela McNeil ‘Youth Support Publications’ has produced a number of books on Health, Social issues, Research, Psychology and therapy as well as general titles which are sold in aid of work with children, youth and families. ‘As My Mother Taught Me’ tells the history and struggles of the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation from inception to its status as a widespread successful organisation. Included are personal stories of the author and the many girls and families helped to establish worthwhile and successful happy lives from a background of hardship and abject poverty. These often desperate and abused young people found a rescue route from the cycle of repeat pregnancy and deprivation denied to their less fortunate peers. Teenage pregnancy has been a major concern of Youth Support and its Director Dr Diana Birch who has conducted long term research and published widely on the subject. Current research involves a twenty year follow up conducted as a comparative study in London, Kingston and Los Angeles. This long term relationship between the International Charity ‘Youth Support’ and Jamaican organizations including the Women’s Centre of Jamaica Foundation made it appropriate for us to publish this important new book. Extract As My Mother Taught Me