Professional Titles

Despite their professional nature these titles are written in a style equally suitable for the general public.

new-   'Asylum Seeking Children; Including Adolescent Development and the Assessment of Age'  - This is a milestone book in the management of child refugees and in the body of knowledge on Asylum Seeking children.

"Are you my sister, Mummy?"  Best seller
Study of school age pregnancy. 2nd edit. 1992

The Child that Rocks the Cradle”  Best seller
Fifteen year follow up of schoolgirl mothers and their families. 1996

"Inner Worlds”
2nd Edition - first published as ‘Inner Worlds and Outer Challenges’ Development of the personality and assaults of emotional environment.

"Bonds and Boundaries"
Child protection and the family

“Youth - Our Resource for the Future”
Proceedings of 1996 Conference on Adolescent Health and Welfare - held at Royal College of Physicians.

''A Thought For Today...''  Best seller

Case evaluation and outcomes - November 1998 Diana ML Birch

Youth - Conserving Our Resource for the Future
Proceedings of 1998 Conference on Adolescent Health and Welfare - held at Royal College of Physicians. Now Available.

 "As My Mother Taught Me" - By Pamela McNeil  describes the development of the Women's Centre of Jamaica foundation and work with young mothers.

'Traumatic Stress'  - coping strategies and pathological reactions of acute and post traumatic stress focusing on the effects on families and the young. Includes earthquake study and report of Conference Youth Support Italia - Gioventu` Duemila.  Also available as - Lo Stress Traumatico - Italian version.

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